
Welcome to the Training Section

We provide a variety of educational programs, some centered in California and some held in other parts of the US. These include in-depth Feldenkrais® Training Programs spread over a two or four year periods and shorter post-graduate programs (under advanced trainings).

You can select your interest below:

Feldenkrais Professional Trainings:

San Francisco Bay Area Feldenkrais Training (Begins in late 2024)

We will continue to accept new students through to the next live segment May 17-25. We are still in the early days of the program and thus late entries are welcome. All prior classes are recorded and available for make-up.

For questions about joining the training please contact: True@feldenkraisresources.com

If you want to know more about the training process please read the training prospectus above. 

If you would like to speak with Elizabeth Beringer the educational director about joining the program she can be reached at: EBtraining@feldenkraisresources.com

Swiss Training Program in Biel, Switzerland (Begins Summer 2024)

East/West Feldenkrais® Professional Training Program (Began in January 2024)

*If you are interested in being kept up to date with new training programs, send an email to: Office@FeldenkraisResources.com and ask to be put on our training interest list. This way you can be informed right away once a new program begins taking applications.

Advanced Trainings

Classes and Workshops
