
Moshe Feldenkrais

San Francisco Evening Class Workshop, Volume I

When Moshe Feldenkrais visited San Francisco to conduct his first U.S. training program he held a popular Awareness Through Movement class for the general public. The class included people with a wide range of abilities and backgrounds. Dr. Feldenkrais builds the lessons up systematically so that one continually has the pleasure of doing something at the end that didn't seem possible in the beginning.


With Moshe Feldenkrais

When Moshe Feldenkrais visited San Francisco to conduct his first U.S. training program he held a popular Awareness Through Movement class for the general public. The class included people with a wide range of abilities and backgrounds. Dr. Feldenkrais builds the lessons up systematically so that one continually has the pleasure of doing something at the end that didn't seem possible in the beginning.

This is the only recorded series of public lessons that we have, taught in English by Feldenkrais himself. We recommend that you have some prior experience with the the Feldenkrais ATM lessons before ordering this series. Volume I has 10 audio lessons.
San Francisco Evening Workshop series is available in three volumes. There are 32 lessons in the entire series.

Please Note:
These CDs were produced from the original taped recording from Moshe Feldenkrais in 1976. Even though the sound has been greatly improved with today's technology, there is still some noise that could not be eliminated.
  1. Lower Back Ease
  2. Rolling
  3. Bending More Easily
  4. Arm and Shoulder Comfort
  5. New Hip Joints
  6. Jelly Pudding Pelvis
  7. Hip and Shoulder Integration
  8. Better Side Bending
  9. Improving Mobility of Chest
  10. More Flexible Feet

Moshe Feldenkrais, D. Sc. (1904 - 1984) began developing what has become known as the Feldenkrais Method after he sustained a crippling knee injury while working in England during World War II. His own recovery process and subsequent wide-ranging research resulted in the creation of a unique educational system that incorporated his background in physics, Judo, and a lifelong interest in human development. By the end of Dr. Feldenkrais’s life, the Feldenkrais Method had gained an International reputation and he had trained a significant number of teachers. The Method that bears his name continues to evolve and spread across the globe.
