
Arlyn Zones

Voice, Breath and Posture

The use of the voice is the center of investigation for this five-day course in which Arlyn Zones and Corinna May artfully lead the participants towards their resonant center. Both Arlyn and Corinna began their explorations of the voice through their early exposure to acting.

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by Arlyn Zones and Corinna May

The use of the voice is the center of investigation for this five-day course in which Arlyn Zones and Corinna May artfully lead the participants towards their resonant center. Both Arlyn and Corinna began their explorations of the voice through their early exposure to acting.

*Note: there is a professional version of this dvd that includes hands on functional integration. Please go to the Practitioner Area of the website to purchase.

Arlyn has been developing her work with the voice in Feldenkrais trainings over many years, focusing on the spoken voice particularly in the context of ATM teaching. Corinna works as a professional actor; her inquiries led her to training as a Linklater teacher and more recently as a Feldenkrais practitioner. The interplay between the two teachers, the two systems and their varying perspectives creates a lively atmosphere for learning. The five days gives one the time to experience the intensity and depth possible through working with the voice with these two masterful teachers. This thirteen hour program includes ATM and Linklater exercises. On Disc 9 you will find a PDF file with an index for the program, as well as supplemental readings provided by both teachers.

Arlyn Zones graduated from Dr. Feldenkrais’ last training program in 1983 and has been practicing the Method for over 30 years. She received her Trainer’s designation in 1994. She first began studying the Linklater Method in 1972 as part of an actor’s training program. The curriculum she created focusing on the voice has been included in nearly all of Feldenkrais Resources trainings in San Diego and New York, as well as numerous trainings in Australia. Arlyn has an MA in Theater Arts.

Corinna May has been a Feldenkrais Practitioner for over 10 years, a Designated Linklater voice teacher for 20 years, and a professional actress for 30 years. She is a core member of Shakespeare & Company in Lenox, MA, and an assistant professor of Voice and Speech in the MFA program at Pace University. She is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Barnard College/Columbia University, and a graduate of Circle in the Square Theatre School’s Professional Actor Training program.

Arlyn and Corinna offer delicate, finely crafted, and extraordinarily powerful lessons on the emergence of one’s breath and voice through the engagement of the whole body and self. This collection invites repeated listening into the spell of wisdom and accuracy cast by these big-hearted and masterful teachers. I felt gently and joyfully led by the hand through this work, sensing inward and outward toward vocal freedom, expanded breath, and a deeper presence living in my breathing and voice. —Andrew Belser, Master Voice Teacher, Penn State University

This innovative product by Arlyn Zones and Corinna May brings together Feldenkrais Method® and Linklater Technique to enable people to regain their ability to have natural, clear and powerful voices, and to leave behind acquired less-effective habits of using ourselves. Arlyn’s idea is based on her personal experience of acting and many years of voice-training Feldenkrais practitioners. Sessions assist beginners and advanced participants in developing new perspectives and strategies for more vital and efficient action. I learned to remove strain from my neck, shoulders and abdomen, and to lengthen my posture. In this way my breathing and posture improved and acquired tension habits were reduced. I sense and feel my body and voice differently now. —Dr. Olga Yastrubetskaya, B.A. in Exercise and Sports Science, Honorary Associate Professor, Academic Unit for Psychiatry of Old Age, the University of Melbourne, Australia
