
Moshe Feldenkrais

Awareness Through Movement®

By Moshe Feldenkrais
This best selling book contains 12 easy-to-follow Awareness Through Movementexercises for improving posture, flexibility, breathing, coordination. Each exercise conciselydemonstrate Moshe's ideas while helping you to improve your movement habits and focus new dimensions of awareness, self-image, and human potential.
Here is a way for people of every age to integrate physical and mental development into a new, invigorating wholeness.


By Moshe Feldenkrais
This best selling book contains 12 easy-to-follow Awareness Through Movementexercises for improving posture, flexibility, breathing, coordination. Each exercise conciselydemonstrate Moshe's ideas while helping you to improve your movement habits and focus new dimensions of awareness, self-image, and human potential.
Here is a way for people of every age to integrate physical and mental development into a new, invigorating wholeness.
"In order to change our mode of action we must change the image of ourselves that we carry within us." —Moshe Feldenkrais
"Feldenkrais's most popular and accessible book." —Smithsonian
"The exercises are so simple and so ingenious they lead on to others which one can invent in the same style. It is so clever to develop the body by making the mind and senses aware of each side of the body separately. It increases the subtlety of sensation and starts a competitive cycle as each side stimulates the other." —Yehudi Menuhin
Part I: Understanding While Doing
The Self-Image
Strata of Development
Where to Begin and How
Structure and Function
The Direction of Progress

Part II: Doing to Understand: Twelve Practical Lessons
General Observation
Some Practical Hints

Lesson 1 What is Good Posture?
Lesson 2 What Action Is Good?
Lesson 3 Some Fundamental Properties of Movement
Lesson 4 Differentiation of Parts and Functions of Breathing
Lesson 5 Coordination of the Flexor Muscles adn of the Extensors
Lesson 6 Differentiation of Pelvic Movements by Means of an Imaginary Clock
Lesson 7 The Carriage of the Head Affects the State of the Musculature
Lesson 8 Perfecting the Self-Image
Lesson 9 Spatial Relationships as a Means to Coordinated Action
Lesson 10 The Movement of the Eyes Organizes the Movement of the Body
Lesson 11 Becoming Aware of Parts of Which We Are Not Conscious with the Help of Those of Which We Are Conscious
Lesson 12 Thinking and Breathing

Moshe Feldenkrais, D. Sc. (1904 - 1984) began developing what has become known as the Feldenkrais Method after he sustained a crippling knee injury while working in England during World War II. His own recovery process and subsequent wide-ranging research resulted in the creation of a unique educational system that incorporated his background in physics, Judo, and a lifelong interest in human development. By the end of Dr. Feldenkrais’s life, the Feldenkrais Method had gained an International reputation and he had trained a significant number of teachers. The Method that bears his name continues to evolve and spread across the globe.
